3 Amazon MUST HAVES for Pain Relief

Aloha! I have been receiving a lot of requests on what tools can I use at home to reduce pain in between sessions. So I have compiled a list of tools that I use for my self care routine at home.

Disclaimer: The links provided are connected to my Amazon Associates account. If you decide to purchase these products, please consider clicking the images or product title so that I may also get a small commission. I appreciate the support and I hope you find relief in these products.

Let’s get started:

#1 - CranioCradle Home Therapy System

Head, Neck, Shoulder & Back Pain Relief - Relaxes Muscle Tension - Trigger Point Release - Treats Multiple Pain Symptoms - Myofascial Release

I’d like to introduce you to my loyal friend, the CranioCradle. I use this product whenever I have a stiff neck, tight shoulders, and low back pain. I was introduced to this device during my Craniosacral Therapy training. It is useful for supporting the nervous system by placing gentle pressure along different areas of the spine. I place the CranioCradle on my occiput, midback, and pelvis to help bring relief to the specific area.

#2 - Theracane Massager

There is a running joke with my Healing Hands family.

How do you spot the Healing Hands alum? They would be rolling on the floor with a lacrosse ball or working out their traps with a Theracane.

The Theracane has been there for me throughout my massage school journey and beyond. As my body was giving & receiving constant bodywork and integrating structural change, my trusted Theracane provided relief. All over. I still have my original Theracane from school and it will continue to support me for many more years.

This sturdy, hooked device features different knobs and bars to address the back, legs, and arms. I have even found a way to release tension in my subscapularis (the hard to reach muscle in our scapula that can limit shoulder mobility). I like to apply some Myosyn lotion from RD Alchemy Natural Products to the area before I begin to work the muscle.

My favorite areas to use the Theracane? Neck, Traps, Back, Pecs, Quadratus Lumborum (QL), Glutes, Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL), Psoas group, and feet.

Pretty much…EVERYWHERE.

#3 - Cups!

I was first introduced to Cupping Therapy by the Traditional Chinese Medicine method. The first time I learned how to do cupping, we used fire as the means of removing oxygen. The fire, the alcohol, and the glass cups made a great combination for fascinating visuals for Instagram. However, I found it slowed me down when the cups would lose suction and I would have to reignite the alcohol soaked cotton ball. Once during a mobile session, a cup lost suction and shattered on tile. 😬

Now, I prefer to use silicone cups to create that vacuum pressure. I have been taught that both glass and silicone are effective. The only difference is the means of removing the oxygen in order to create the suction effect.

Here are some of my favorite cups from Amazon:

Cupping Set - 6 Sizes

I love this set for it’s strong suction and medium-firm edges. I often use this set on the back.

These are my favorite cups for gliding along the body. It is easier to hold onto the cup as you slide across the body.

I hope you find these products helpful in your self-care journey, and that they help relieve muscular pain like they have for me and my clients.


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