Hey! My name is Mary.
I founded Earth Star Holistic Health in March 2020 in O’ahu, Hawaii at the height of the pandemic.
The massage clinic I was working for went under, and my private clients were going through major shifts in their lives.
I felt strongly about continuing to offer safe, therapeutic bodywork in an extremely stressful time.
In that same year, my services expanded when I included herbal formulation and shamanic energy healing.
“Yesterday, I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise so I am changing myself.”
igniting a sleeping flame.
I’m very sensitive to energy within my body. From a young age, I always felt the tension in my body and would massage my legs before bed. Instinctively, I knew how important massage was for my mental health.
When my dad’s cancer came back in 2019, I used everything I learned from my holistic health & massage school to hold space for him; crystal chakra balancing to ground his energy, and trigger point therapy to relieve the stiffness from being stuck in bed. Looking back, that was my first initiation into this service.
That experience showed me how powerful it is to hold compassionate space for someone, and how potent it is to be held in sacred space.
I want to share my knowledge and skills with someone who needs a safe place to heal and rest.
I want to share the tools that have helped me get through the toughest times in my life.
People deserve to know how to make their lives better.
This is for the rebels, the warriors, and the dreamers.
The year my dad died, I started my nine-month apprenticeship with Scott from Shamanic Spirit Medicine in Kaua’i. My path deepened when I learned how to connect directly to my ancestors, my power animals, and my ascended teachers in the Upper World. Knowing how to retrieve spiritual guidance and transmute pain was so empowering!
I never started my apprenticeship with the intention of taking on clients.
But when I finished my training, I knew it would be selfish of me not to share this with my family and closest friends. Then, word spread and people were interested in healing their wounds too.
People wanted to connect with their loved ones on the other side. They wanted to live in a peaceful and protected home. They wanted to get out of the rut that they were in. They wanted to know if there was something more than working a job they hated.
People wanted to feel better.
In my spare time, I love to be out in my garden, at the beach, or at a concert.
I’ve traded in a life of living up to society’s expectations for a life rooted in authenticity and joy.
I hope to continue to hold space for people, loving the Earth, and taking care of myself & my family.
With gratitude,
Mary Dema-ala