Lion’s Gate Portal

Collective Message from Horse

Transcribed from an audio recording of a journey done on August 8, 2020.

Walk with Stride. Add stride into your step. Like the power of the horse, changes are coming swiftly.

It is important to remain grounded allowing the energy within the pelvis to move you. Within the pelvis lies the root chakra, the sacral chakra…these are important to work with at this time.

This will lay the foundation for the upcoming months that so many of you call “turbulent”.

It is simply a rollercoaster of adventure.

In order to join the ride, make sure your seats are buckled up. By doing that you strengthen your pelvic region.

The hips. So much creativity and potential lie within the hips. Many of you are blocked in this area. I see each of you now, struggling with pain and this can all be resolved by allowing movement into the hips. This will create stronger creativity and allow you to enjoy your ride more this 2020. 

Be aware of those that create fear for the next month. Be aware of those that make you fearful for the remainder of the year. 

Be aware of your thoughts. 

Be aware of your thoughts. 

Be aware of your thoughts. 

This is a time of transition. The old into the new. There is a no looking back and we know this. You know this. You must accept this. There is no looking back.

This is good for you all. This is important. 

Why is it important?

It is important that you ascend in your own way. 

We are clearing karma.
You are clearing karma. 

It’s like squeezing into a hole. You must remove excess weight and baggage to enter this portal; and by doing so, you will need to strengthen your boundaries. This may be manifesting as relationships falling to to the side. This may manifest in protecting your energy from relationships that drain you. 

[is there anything else?]

Everything is connected. It is observable in any way you choose to see. 

[I’m seeing the word STRESSED, what is this?]

Stress is on everyone’s mind. The collective mind is stressed. Stressed by the media, stressed by their relatives, stressed by their children, stressed by their elders. They are all stressed. 

This is time to transcend. Remain rooted in anyway that brings you more grounding. Groundation. Grounding deep into the earth. Vibrate at Gaias frequency in anyway that feels right to you.

How to do this? 

Get in the water. That is where the vibration is manifesting the most of Gaia. The water of the ocean holds this vibration. The water in lakes hold this vibration. The water in rivers hold this vibration. The waters of waterfalls hold a stronger vibration as this is a strong moving current but nonetheless it will bring you to this vibration. 

Another way? Bury yourself into the sand. Bury yourself in the dirt. Engulf yourself with the vibration of the earth and that is water. Immerse yourself within it. Why do you think people are reborn in water?

Everybody on the face of this planet is a water being. 

But the forces that be…have corrupted the relationship between water and humanity. 

Fear not. Like we said, this is a time of karma. 

This is a time to be liberated. But in order to be liberated, you must do the work. And this is an individual journey. 

Understand that there have many called to help at this time. If you need assistance there are so many people waiting to help. Not everyone is for everyone. There is always someone that can help you.

Sometimes significant others look to each other for healing. And they are each others greatest healers. But Do not get wrapped up Again and understand the boundary of what it is yours and your responsibility and what theirs and their responsibility. 

Hold the vibration of love in your heart RIGHT NOW.

Feel your heart expand in all directions.

Expand a little more, notice the web of life that encompasses the earth and connects all living beings. This also echos throughout the universe. Sending love to all beings.


Message for the Rainbow Collective


What is Shamanism?